Wow....i didnt realize just how long its been since I posted. Here is a short recap of whats going on with me!
I have totally stopped working out.....its been about 2 months and really I have (nor will I make any) no excuses as to why I have stopped. I guess I just need to find it in myself to get my butt up and do it! Although that will all change tomorrow when I start getting up for work. 1 week from tomorrow I start taking a little girl Ellas age in to watch. So that means I have to be up, workout, showered, dressed and fed by 7am. This week coming will be my practice run and for me to get used to getting up early again. Im not used to this 'job' thing anymore! lol
I will be doing mostly yoga for probably a month or so since a very old back injury has reared its ugly head. The month of March was mostly spent in physio and it hasnt done any I wont be going back thats for sure! It got to the point that i was getting worst everyday....but now im back at the point I was when I started nothing gained and nothing lost. Tomorrow is D day for wish me luck! Yoga will become my friend....even if I have to choke it into submission!!
Its been a huge downward spiral and im done beating myself up!!! Nothing is going to change unless I change it myself. My mood sucks and everything is just a more!! Tomorrow is the day that things change...they need to change
I have also made huge strides when it comes to Ella Bella's Bows!! I took a huge plunge and order alot of product! But you need to spend money to make money right? And so far I have done really well. Some days I make nothing and other days I make $60+ dollars! Which is pretty sweet! Im also to the point where it is all profit...just about $50 more and i will be in the black!! I took huge leaps with this business and im finally getting a little recognition!!
The family is good and everything is good! Running out of things to say...other than im tired!! lol Its been a long day and im ready to call it a night soon!! 5 am comes early and I like to get a good 8hrs before i have to get up!!
I promise I will post again soon! Its been way too long since the last one!!!
Love yourself and your family,
Until next time
Pam xoxo